4 measureable benefits to ‘smart printers’

4 measureable benefits to ‘smart printers’

July 09, 20243 min read

Businesses that fail to keep up with the latest “smart printer” technology are likely to fall in productivity as well as competitiveness.

The way we work, has been changed by technology, turning any location, coffee shop or park into a mobile office.

If businesses don’t adapt and adjust, they will find it harder to attract top-performing talent.

Collaboration is the key element of most knowledge worker’s role, so letting people collaborate from anywhere is also critical.

The aim of a “smart printer” is to ultimately increase productivity and efficiencies as well as improve the workflows of employees.

The challenge today is to choose the right technology and processes to invest in and then maximise their utilisation.

Here are 4 measurable benefits of putting in a smart printer solution

  1. Cost Management: Implementing smart processes like pull printing can cut down the average printing cost bill by an average of 30%. Users are able to print their documents from anywhere securely and track all printing activity, reduce waste and contain costs. All documents are sent to a centralised print queuing system that releases documents only when the users identify themselves at the printer. This has the added benefit of reducing costs as people only print what they need (because if they don’t get up and identify themselves at the printer, the print job gets cancelled) but as it reduces the amount of unclaimed printing left at the printer station, security is also improved. Smart printer can also improve auditing, create better efficiency, reduce your paper wastage and improve your environmental impact.Smart printing can also allocate costs of printing to specific users or cost centres. This results in businesses being able to more accurately account for which departments have the greatest need of printers. This also results in more accurate decisions being made when it comes to purchasing a new printer, or printers based on the print flow per department. 

  1. Efficiency: Data capture software which uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology is a widely used business solution. Scanned documents using OCR allow users to search within the scanned document as well as edit read-only pdf’s. This allows users to convert complex documents fast into a useable format and replaces inconvenient and time consuming paper-based processes with a more a more streamlined and efficient electronic workflow.Data capture solutions provide enhanced scanning extension that allow users to capture specific information and transfer it into other files such as standard templates and forms allowing for automated workflows and the reduction of manual processes.Further to this, enterprise content management (ECM) solutions means that several people spend less time searching information and more times adding value such as establish workflows for documents that require approvals, saving time and the space needed for filling cabinets.

  1. Mobility: As mobility needs increase and businesses embrace it, it becomes more essential to be able to print from any device. Employees can then become more productive, since they can stay on their mobile device to print as opposed to shifting across to another device (like their computer) in order to print. 

  1. Security: Data security is paramount in any business, and that encompasses your document security. Educating employees in how to keep documents secure is important, but doesn’t guarantee that confidential documents won’t be left lying on printers where unauthorised employee can see them.Document security solutions can help by delivering more control. Implementing swipe card access or PIN codes that are needed to release print job at the printer, means that sensitive documents aren’t left unclaimed. Furthermore, configuring who can see what in your document control system and encrypting data while en-route will further decrease your security risks.Protecting your business’s valuable information is critical for every business, so it’s important you have the right technology solution that meets your needs.

Nathan Colyer-Long is CEO at Future Logic, holding a Bachelor of Science degree in IT and an MBA, he has been with the company for over 20 years. Nathan is an avid landscape photographer and loves to travel the world. If you would like to chat, send Nathan a LinkedIn request.

Nathan Colyer-Long

Nathan Colyer-Long is CEO at Future Logic, holding a Bachelor of Science degree in IT and an MBA, he has been with the company for over 20 years. Nathan is an avid landscape photographer and loves to travel the world. If you would like to chat, send Nathan a LinkedIn request.

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