IT Audit & Health Check

IT Audit & Health Check2019-08-05T13:22:27+08:00

IT Audit & Health Check

Delivering effective IT services starts at the lowest level with the discovery, tracking and management of devices on your networks.

Understanding your company’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is critical to making informed IT management decisions, recognising current business needs and planning for the future. An IT audit with Future Logic takes away the guesswork.

An IT audit is the examination and evaluation of your businesses information technology infrastructure, policies and operations.

Our thorough IT Audit & Health Check will provide an insight into your company’s IT Health, and where improvement need to be made to gain efficiencies or improve productivity.

IT Audit & Health Check Service:

Your IT infrastructure is the backbone of your business and with the increasing dependency, it is important to ensure that it supports every function within your business. Our IT Audit & Health Check Service consists of onsite and offsite auditing processes to provide a single consolidated view of your hardware and software assets.

Service Benefits

  • Network Discovery of all IP based devices to provide a comprehensive hardware asset list
  • Complete Listing of the software packages installed on the customer’s systems
  • Peace of mind that your current support requirements are in line with your IT infrastructure.
  • Ability to use the information gained to assist in the IT management and planning process.
  • Ability to correlate current license records against the audit report software register reports to ensure compliance and help plan future purchases.

Auditing Process

Network Discovery

We utilises key software packages that uses both agent and probe technology to gather information and report properties from all IP-enabled devices on a network. The agent and probe have a small network footprint and as such will have little noticeable effect on the end users experience. It is designed to run in the background gathering information ready to be compiled into a detailed report. Using our asset reporting software is safe, secure and completely confidential. All access information remains in the customer’s control.

Manual Discovery

Should it be required, a manual audit can be done as well on your IT infrastructure to improve the accuracy of the reports and validate the network discovery. Manual discoveries are utilised to provide a complete view of where the devices are located on your premise as well as to ensure that all systems have been available for Network Discovery

The output:

  • Site diagrams of how your network is connected
  • Site documentation as showing
    • all IT assets connected to the network
    • the function of each device
    • the software installed on the device (server, workstation, laptop)
    • the warranty period of the device
  • Risk & Recommendations document outlining items that need to be fixed as they pose a risk (missing security patches, obsolete software, end of life, imminent hardware failure) or they are affecting productivity (computers not up to minimum operating standards, misconfiguration of devices, aging equipment).

From here we can work with you to put in place a remediation plan for the items that have been highlighted, make operational changes, provide a scope of work and project budget or work with you to put together a business case to obtain management or board approvals.

“Future Logic assessed our entire situation and gave us a rundown of what we needed to do to get things running properly”
Jullie Visser, Office Manager, Leach Legal (Perth Law Firm)

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Future Logic offers free initial consultations. So if you have a business need and wish to speak to our consultants, contacts us now to discuss your business requirements!

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