23 03, 2016

CryptoLocker and associated malware


As you may have discovered from experiencing this yourself or heard all the related news, there is severe malware roaming the internet at the moment which utilizes “Social Engineering Attack” in order to run a malicious code. The aim of this code is to encrypt all of the files and folders

CryptoLocker and associated malware2019-08-05T13:22:40+08:00
21 03, 2016

Why your IT Disaster Recovery Plan needs to be a high priority!


Everyone has heard the horror stories of a business burning down or being ruined by natural disasters…but no one thinks it will happen to them.

An IT Disaster Recovery Plan is not just for a catastrophic failure but it is certainly important to be protected against one just in case.

Why your IT Disaster Recovery Plan needs to be a high priority!2019-08-05T13:22:40+08:00
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